On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17th), the Dara Institute promoted the event Women and social change, an initiative of the Hub for the Eradication of Poverty – HubEP that brought together women representatives from various civil society organizations for a conversation about the main social and racial inequalities in Brazil.
Panel Gender, race and poverty: Rita Brandão (Ibase, mediator), Mônica Sacramento (NGO Criola) and Vitória Régia da Silva (Associação Gênero e Número).
Panel Women’s organizations and social change: Maysa Gil (Instituto JCA, mediator), Vera Cordeiro (Instituto Dara), Amália Fischer (Elas+ Doar para Transformar), Lygia Anthero (Sistema B Brasil) and Daíse Porto (Rede Asta).
Watch the recording of the event (Portuguese only).