
Event “Women and social change”

On the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17th), the Dara Institute promoted the event Women and social change, an initiative of the Hub for the Eradication of Poverty – HubEP that brought together women representatives from various civil society organizations for a conversation about the main social and racial inequalities in Brazil.

Panel Gender, race and poverty: Rita Brandão (Ibase, mediator), Mônica Sacramento (NGO Criola) and Vitória Régia da Silva (Associação Gênero e Número).

Panel Women’s organizations and social change: Maysa Gil (Instituto JCA, mediator), Vera Cordeiro (Instituto Dara), Amália Fischer (Elas+ Doar para Transformar), Lygia Anthero (Sistema B Brasil) and Daíse Porto (Rede Asta).

Watch the recording of the event (Portuguese only).