organizations in six Brazilian states inspired by Dara's work
people directly benefited in Brazil
volunteers throughout our history
lectures on the PAF methodology in 16 countries
chapters about our work in different books on social entrepreneurship
decrease in children's readmissions in the period from 3 to 5 years after the end of participation in the PAF
increase in family revenue in the period of 3 to 5 years after the end of participation in the PAF
increase in the number of families with their own homes in the period of 3 to 5 years after the end of participation in the PAF
Family stories
“Dara has transformed my home. Mas, antes, transformou a minha vida” But first, it transformed my life.”
Priscila says: “When I was discharged from Instituto Dara, I wanted to hug everyone there. And to shout to everyone there about how important their work is, how much it prevents people like me–who had no prospects at all and was about to be evicted with my children–from doing something stupid. When I rang the farewell bell, the floor of my entire apartment, which was peeling off and breaking, had just been all changed, which helped stop a sequence of allergic attacks and seizures of my son Nicolas. Shortly before I left, Dara had transformed my apartment. But it was just the last thing they did for me. First, I need to tell you how they transformed my life.”

“The short-term results of Instituto Dara are monitored through its own monitoring and assessment system. Several indicators, both quantitative and qualitative, 15 of which are key, provide information on the areas where the Family Action Plan (PAF) operates: Health, Education, Revenue Generation, Housing, and Citizenship. Information regarding the family unit is entered into the system by the team in monthly consultations, home visits and remote consultations. With the data stored in the system, Dara is able to prove the results of its work. The compiled indicators are periodically analyzed by the team for the evolution of each family, any needs for intervention and any actions to be implemented according to the challenges of each family. The data is also important for the family’s journey completion process, since all areas enter their opinions and only with their agreement are all completions approved. Additionally, the information collected is important in accountability to partners and as a source of knowledge for research.”
Social entrepreneurs were inspired by the work of Instituto Dara and took the DNA of social technology to 4 continents for the benefit of more than one million people, who had their lives transformed.
Long-term impact
Research conducted by Georgetown University (USA) revealed that, in the period of 3 to 5 years after the end of participation in the Family Action Plan, the families assisted by Dara presented the following results: