On October 17th, the date that marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, women representatives from various Brazilian NGOs will come together to debate gender and the fight against poverty.
Entitled Women and Social Change, the event is an initiative of the Hub for the Eradication of Poverty – HubEP, a 100% collaborative multi-sector platform formed by eight civil society organizations, including the Dara Institute.
The meeting will be held at the Espaço do Conhecimento – Sala Dr. Luís Carlos Vieira Teixeira, at the headquarters of the Dara Institute, in Rio de Janeiro/Brazil, with an online broadcast open to the public (in Portuguese only). Those interested in participating can register for free via this link.
The program is made up of two panels:
- 2pm: Gender, Race and Poverty, with the participation of Lígia Batista (Instituto Marielle Franco), Mônica Sacramento (Criola) and Vitoria Regia da Silva (Gender and Number), and mediation by Rita Brandão (Ibase); and
- 4pm: Organizations of Women and Social Change, with the participation of Alice Freitas (Rede Asta), Lygia Anthero (Sistema B), Amália Fischer (Elas+ Doar para Transformar) and Vera Cordeiro (Instituto Dara), and mediation by Maysa Gil (Instituto Jelson da Costa Antunes)
Join us for this important conversation about the role of women in fighting poverty and promoting gender equality.