
Instituto DARA


Our Work

The objective of Dara Institute (former Saúde Criança Renascer) is to contribute to changing the health and human development framework in society, incorporating an integrated cross-sector approach in the fight against poverty.

The work of the Institute is based on the theory of change and it consists of:

Direct Assistance

It is performed via Plano de Ação Familiar (PAF – Family Action Plan), own social methodology the Institute co-created alongside the assisted families. Its purpose is to empower the assisted families so they can take the lead in their own development, providing them with a set of knowledge, tools and opportunities to develop their own skills within the areas of health, education, housing, citizenship, and income.

Influence on Public Policies

It has the purpose of influencing the creation of integrated public policies for human development and the fight against poverty. The public policy Família Cidadã (Citizen Family), passed in Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, is one example of this work, as well as the Cuidar Itu Program, created by the mayors of the city of Itu, state of São Paulo.

Production and Promotion of Knowledge

Production and promotion of knowledge on a multidimensional integrated approach on health and human development for networks, academia, governments, media, civil society, companies, and social entrepreneurs to fight poverty. The work of Dara Institute has featured in more than 10 books and several news articles, including on The New York Times and O Globo (Brazilian newspaper). In 2019, the Harvard Business School conducted a case study on the impact and scalability of the Institute.

Social Mobilization

Dara Institute works with a network of national and international partnerships and encourages volunteering as a way of getting the civil society involved in the challenges and solutions in combating poverty. More than 1600 volunteers have not only enabled our work but also been impacted by it for almost three decades. Moreover, through our own communication channels, the Institute seeks to engage society in the fight against poverty.

In 2018, the Institute was awarded an honorable mention by the SDGs Award Brazil, held by the United Nations.

The work of Dara has contributed to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):